Why would you want to join Swing Dance Downunder?

  • Help keep West Coast Swing alive and supported in Australia

  • Have your say in how the club supports West Coast Swing

  • Vote for committee members of the club at the Annual General Meeting

  • $20 refund on Australian based World Swing Dance Council (WSDC) pointed events

  • Discounts on entry to Swing Dance Downunder events, such as tea dances, special events & workshops by visiting dance instructors

    Benefits of membership will vary from time to time, as new opportunities and options become available.

    Membership subscription runs 01 July – 30 June with $35 membership fee due annually in July or on joining the association. Members joining between April and June will receive 3 months free membership in addition to membership for the following 12 months. i.e. up to 15 months membership

    Join now so that you can be an active participant in the West Coast Swing community and take advantage of the discounts offered and information provided especially for members.

    Monthly Tea Dances cost $5 for members, and $10 for non-members
    Special Event Dances: Birthday, Christmas and other costs subject to change due to event content offered




Membership application


Use this form to apply for membership of Swing Dance Downunder.

Committee member nomination


Use this form to nominate an existing member as a candidate for election as an office-bearer or an ordinary committee member.

Appointment of proxy


Use this form to authorise another member to vote on your behalf at an annual general meeting or a special general meeting.